All for the Love of Rest

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What makes a mom a good mom? What kind of things do we do for our children - our families - things that we know we should do or want to do because we love our people? Things that another mom looks at and might say, “she is such a good mom.” Examples:  A good mom…feeds her kids nutritious food A good mom…takes her kids out on individual dates regularly A good mom…helps her kids with their homework A good mom…makes sure her kids clothing needs are taken care of A good mom…makes sure her kids get to practices and games and has everything they need to succeed in their sport A good mom…volunteers at her kids school A good mom…plans and hosts a fun birthday party for her birthday kid  The list could go on and on and on. Here’s the deal. Those are all great things and we’re not here to talk down on those things. Some of the things on that list - making sure our kids have the clothes or food they need -are things we should all be doing. Some of the things - hosting a fun birthday party - are optional things. Not all of us are going to be the kind of moms that throw fun birthday parties and that is totally okay. We celebrate the moms that throw amazing parties and confidently know that we do other things for our kids that are just as special and meaningful, even if they are different. Did you notice something about the list we made? Did you notice how all of the things we listed have one thing in common? They are all actions - things that we are doing to show up for our kids and our families and take care of them.  Right…

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It’s a New Year & MOPS is back {and why you should go first}

  • Post category:Community

Hey Mama - I'm so glad you found your way to this space & I hope it means I'll get to meet you in person soon. You are welcome here, and MOPS is in full swing as we kick off this new person. Won't you join us? ~ September 1st and the sun shone bright and warm when I walked through those clear glass doors with my three-year-old son in tow. What am I doing? My heart thrummed in my chest. This is stupid. I don’t need a “mom group”.  Mom group. Insert <gag>. Her hair was cut in a cute brown bob that framed her face and she was wearing yellow shorts. Her face was bright and her eyes were warm. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she said, as I fumbled my way into the church, “I’m Dez. Let me tell you about MOPS.” Stacy walked me to the classroom for Leo’s age group and Kristin reassured me when I left my kid with people I didn’t know – for the first time ever. “They’re so great back here,” She said. “They will call you if he needs you. He’s going to have fun and make friends! I know it’s hard. Do you want to sit with me?” What am I doing here?  I poured myself coffee and I sat down with a table of women I didn’t know. The morning flew by, I got Leo from his classroom and I went home, feeling more hope in my heart than I had in a long time. I wrote, “Today there was MOPS and new friends, meeting up with 35 strangers and being met by 35 kind and genuine smiles and being encouraged by a whole lot of authenticity and talk of this one, next year, being a year to LOOK…

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