Say Yes to the Life God Has For You

Every year, MOPS International chooses a theme that we base our year upon. The theme for this year is “Say Yes”, and I’ve been reflecting on that and what that looks like in my own life. But, I have to tell you that this idea of saying yes hit me hard a couple of weekends ago. We were at our first Friday night football game of the season. My husband and I were sitting in the stands directly behind the marching band. We were enjoying the game and listening to the band play when I caught a glimpse of my oldest through the crowd. He was leading the band in a fight song, and I felt a sob catch in my throat. How did we get to this point in his life already? It seems like only yesterday that he was climbing into my lap for a bedtime story and now he is driving and leading the band. In that moment, I became so aware that time is moving ever so quickly, and my little boy is becoming a man before my very eyes. How do you prepare your mama heart for that? 

As I sat there and felt the heaviness of that moment, and a longing for what has been, I asked myself if I’ve done enough. Have I been intentional enough? Have I spent time doing things with him that actually matter? Have I said “Yes” to the things that are actually important?

You see, saying yes has nothing to do with striving or people pleasing, but has everything to do with living the life to which God has called you. He has purpose for each of your days. And it’s found not only in the big, extraordinary moments, but also in the small and in the ordinary. There is holy purpose in changing diapers, washing dishes, driving your kids to school. Every day presents us with an opportunity to encourage and pour into someone else, to extend grace, to show courage, to love well, and embrace joy. Is your heart open to what He has for you right now, in this present moment? 

As we move through this year, we are going to “Say Yes”. We are going to live with intention, doing what is brave and uncomfortable rather than what is easy, and slowing down long enough to hear God’s heart for us. This year, together, we will choose to Befriend Discomfort, Be Easily Delighted, and Be Here Now.

Befriend Discomfort

Some things in life are just hard, but you get to choose how you will walk through those hard places. Will you allow them to hold you back from the life God has for you, or will you courageously move forward trusting God’s hand to guide you? You are capable. You are strong. You are brave. Now is the time to be taking that next, small step God is asking of you.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

James 1:2-4 NIV

Be Easily Delighted

This life you’ve been given, it’s such a gift. In the midst of the busyness and the ordinariness that fills each day, are you giving yourself space to be easily delighted? Are you choosing to slow down and savor the small?  God takes great delight in you. Are you taking absolute delight in the life He has given you?

“He brought me out into a spacious place. He rescued me because

He delighted in me.”

Psalm 18:19 NIV

Be Here Now

MOPS says this beautifully. “This is the year to uproot our anxiety, worry and hurry . . . we will remember that our direction is more important than our speed. We will stay inside our commitments and thrive within our constraints. Our longing for control will be replaced with a humble surrender to the fact we don’t have to death-grip every possible outcome. We will choose integrity over image and people over pressure. We won’t let worry rob us of time. Instead, this is the season of trusting that God is providing for our every need, and that means we can tend to the home, kids, marriage, friendships, neighborhood, and work that God has given us and have the time of our lives doing it.”

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

Matthew 6:26-27 NIV

Mama, time is moving ever more quickly. Let’s not long for what has been or worry about what may be. To do so would mean that we are missing a very beautiful present. This is the year that we will take the brave steps, savor the small, understand what is truly important, and choose to live now. This year, we will choose to Say “Yes” to God and all that He is offering us in this beautiful life. This is the year to start. This is the year for small beginnings. This is the year to “Say Yes”

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices

to see the work begin …”

Zechariah 4:10 NLT

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